My biggest dislike for Barbecue Recipes is the ones that have nothing to do with barbecue. Just because you add barbecue sauce to some meat in a crock pot, it doesn't make it barbecue. If your not cooking your meat with any flame or in a smoker your not doing barbecue. These commercials with Blake Shelton saying he helped Pizza Hut come up with a killer barbecue pizza with his vast background in sauce making. So its pizza with BBQ Sauce. Its not even cooked in a wood pizza oven. Its Not Barbecue!
If your posting recipes just using BBQ Sauce in your recipe and not doing anything near a grill, smoker or pit just call it a Barbecue Sauce Recipe. Don't pat yourself on the back saying you created a wonderful barbecue pulled pork sandwich out of your crock pot. Don't cheap'n our craft.