For a long time American eaters have gotten far away from knowing what we put in our bodies. We are too busy to take the time to sit down to have dinner with our families or even have dinner in some cases. Its cheaper to buy processed food then it is to eat vegetables. When you go to stores and compare chips to carrots you see a large difference in price. Cooking is no longer taught in schools. It has been replaced with computer and social media course. So now we are staring in the mirror asking ourselves why we have kids with Type 2 Diabetes
, why our kids drink more soda then water and where does our food really come from.
When I was a kid I could walk out my front door and see where my food came from. I could even tell you the name of the pig or chicken that fed my family. I still would have dirty under my nails from pulling weeds in our garden from the day before. When I had to move off the farm I lost that organic life. Now that I have a child I have gone back. I have been reading how I can live only on organically raised product in my area of Nevada County
At first it was surprising to see how many farms raised grass fed products. But after a little research and watching documentaries like King Corn
and Food Inc.
I started to realized, this is how animals are meant to be raised. Eating at the nations fast food chain is not eating at all. When you buy that one dollar burger you are feeding the machine of industry. Your lining the pockets of the people who have almost wiped out family farming off the American countryside. Your helping our children get fat and raising the price of natural foods which lowers the price of processed foods. We can point the figure at the "Man", but really we all helped make this happen.
Everyday we make choices that effect the bottom line. We have lost sight of the family farm and have become so dependent on fast food chains and supper-markets that as a society we need them. If they disappeared tomorrow we wouldn't know how to eat in most cases. The economy has been in the toilet for a while, but making a small comeback. This has caused some people to go back to the basics. More people this year have planted vegetable in their backyards then in the past few years. More people are demanding to know where that beef came from on their plate. More people need to demand grass products.
If we all went into our favorite eateries or markets and told them we needed to have grass fed animals, we would have them. You'd see the price drop the natural products and grain fed animals production would slow down. The industry would have to change to meet the demands of the people. We truly have the power to make the change. It wouldn't happen overnight, but it would happen. We as a whole need to demand the our children eat food that is good for them and not processed in some factory with unnatural product. Remember we are what we eat. Our children our number one product. Without them we are nothing.
Join in the fight and check some of my friends are demanding to know more about their foods they feed their families, Natural Mommy, Healthy Child.
To find local farms in your area to buy naturally fed products check out Eat Wild.
I do my best to offer the best naturally raised product found in my area. This simple fact changes the taste of the food and needs little help from seasonings. When you think of your next event to feed your friends and family remember Nor Cal Barbecue and our natural products.