It was a smart pit master that first decided to put the mouth watering taste of pizza on a grill. The combined taste of smoky goodness mixed with cheese and sauce just makes your taste buds go nuts. In India they have been cooking flat bread on the open flame for centuries. But in the United States it’s a very new development and must BBQ’ers have never cooked a pizza
There are a few rules to make sure you create the best barbecued pizza in town. First set up your grill into a two-zone grilling structure. A two-zone grilling setup is when you have the grill divided into two sides. One side has double the amount of coals as the other. That side will burn hotter in order to sear the dough. The other side has less coals and burns at a cooler temp in order for you to build the pizza.
Second rule is to stretch your dough out in olive oil and not flour. The oil help the dough stay nice and crisp on the grill. Ideally you want to stretch the dough to a 6 to 9 inch disk or a 9 by 14 inch rectangle. Once you have the dough to the perfect size, brush more olive oil on both sides.
Third rule of grilling the perfect pizza is your toppings. Like I said earlier, you don’t want to over power the taste of the smoky dough with a bunch of extra toppings. You want to keep is simple. Produce such as tomatoes, bell peppers, and onions are perfect for a BBQ pizza. For your cheese try using a salted ricotta or a good mozzarella
Now you’re ready to cook the pizza on the grill. Your coals need to be at a medium to hot temp. Place your hand over the coals and if you have to pull your hand away in 3 to 5 seconds then your coals are ready. Put the pizza dough
Grilled pizza is simple and impressive at the same time. But you must be organized before your start grilling the dough. The process goes fast and you can easily burn the dough if you’re not ready for each step. A fun way to impress your friends to have them all come over for a pizza party and introduce them to BBQ pizza. Everyone can take a turn at grilling their own pizza and you all can come up with a dozen topping combination's.